06 April 2008

Posted by ShureX Posted on April 06, 2008 | No comments

April 6 Sunday Reflection: Sweet Reunion

“But their eyes were prevented from recognizing him.”
–Luke 24:16

Readings :
Acts 2:14, 22-33
Psalm 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11(11a)
1 Peter 1:17-21
Luke 24:13-35

The last time I saw my sister was when she was a 13-year-old tagging along with my mom as they left to migrate to the Netherlands . We hardly kept in touch since. After many years, she came back for a vacation. It was awkward talking to her after years of being apart. But as we spent more time together, I began to see things that I remember about her. Her protruding front teeth that even braces could not perfectly fix. Her habits and ways that were so different from mine. These were things that had not changed through the years.

Sometimes it can feel like that with God. We feel He’s so distant and we hardly recognize His presence in our lives. It can be frustrating period of spiritual dryness but it’s part of growing in Catholic Christian maturity.

God allows us to experience moments of desolation for us to seek Him in amore meaningful way. But doing it on our own strength is not enough to overcome spiritual dryness. We must wait upon the Lord to reveal Himself to us once more. This simply means spending time with Him in prayer in a spirit of humility, abandonment and contentment.

No need to try so hard. Just remain constantly before Him with yearning.
-Jane Gonzales

It is in moments of desolation that God embraces us more.

Dear Lord, let Your Spirit take charge when my spirit runs dry. Amen.
messages from : ChristianYouth

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