02 March 2008

Posted by ShureX Posted on March 02, 2008 | No comments

March 2 Sunday Reflection: Good Intentions

March 2 Sunday Reflection: Good Intentions
1Samuel 16:1b,6-7,10-13a
Psalm 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6(1)
Ephesians 5:8-14
John 9:1-41

"Man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart." -1Samuel 16:7

Once a month, our choir goes to Megamall to sing Chinese songs for the 11am Mass. Lately though, our choir members have been dwindling due to the distance from our parish in Binondo (Manila) and our different commitments.

The choir was divided on whether to continue or resign. So I embarked on a solo quest to resolve the issue. I talked to everyone and explained each side but instead of helping, I only made things worse.

Dejected, I poured out my heart to the Lord and asked Him to make me an instrument of peace. He replied, "Leave your worries to Me. Speak no more and let Me take care of this matter."

I didn't mention the topic again and you know what happened? The next time we served in Megamall, an incident occurred that led to a unanimous decision. It was as simple as that.

Sometimes, we're so full of good intentions that we presume that what we're doing is best. But the surest way to resolve problems is to let the Holy Spirit guide us in making our decsions, even if it means total surrender. -Cecil Lim

Don't forget to ask for God's guidance in everything you do even if you think you already know the answer.

Lord, I know that You see into my heart. Help me to look beyond my own vision that I may see and follow Your will instead.

email from : ChristianYouth

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