23 March 2008

Posted by ShureX Posted on March 23, 2008 | No comments

March 23 Easter Sunday Reflection: Resurrection

The Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Acts 10:34a.37-43

Psalm 118:1-2,16-17,22-23

Colossians 3:1-4 (or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8)

John 20”1-9 (or Matthew 28:1-10)

“Behold, I have told you.” –Matthew 28:7

I was at the MV Doulos the other day, a floating Christian bookstore that docks in Manila every three years or so. It contains mostly Protestant books and CDs- but I don’t mind. I was taught to discern the use of everything that can be used to get to know God more. As long as I understand what being a Catholic means, I can use these resources if they bring me to a closer understanding and relationship with the God that we worship.

I’m also a member of KerygmaFamily.com and, in exchange, I receive daily Mass readings and reflections in my email box. Bo Sanchez’s teachings are available to me, as well as his daily thoughts, the Kerygma magazine and let me in on his inspiring daily encounters via his online Preacher in Blue Jeans podcast and video. (There’s so much more so visit www.kerygmafamily.com)

I believe in investing in knowledge because the worse I can ever be is a Catholic who doesn’t even recognize the signs when God is speaking to me directly.

This is what Mary Magdalene experienced. She was looking for the dead but He had already risen. But once she knew the truth, she was ready to be a witness to the resurrection to others.

-Jomar Hilario


Are you equipped to be a witness to the resurrection? How are you equipping yourself to answer to the hope you have in you?


Lord, make my life a witness to Your resurrection power.

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