27 July 2008

Posted by ShureX Posted on July 27, 2008 | No comments

Pearl of Great Price

July 27 Sunday Reflection

“He... goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
-Matthew 13:44

One of the most touching fictional stories I've watched was about Anya, a young Russian gymnast who participated in the Olympics and fell in love with an American track and field athlete. At the time, the Cold War was still on and their romance was literally an outrage to the parties surrounding them. So they were cut off from seeing each other in the name of the countries they served.

The American ended up winning a silver medal while the Russian won the gold in gymnastics. In the end, Anya wrote her beloved a love letter and gave it together with a parting gift- her Olympic gold medal.

Today's reading reminds me of the Lord's gift to me- eternal life. It's a gift that was won with the price of His blood, suffering rejection, shame and the worst beating anyone can imagine. The price of His blood was not just self-discipline but, ultimately, self-giving. He did it for you and me.

Giving one's life to Him is worth it because He gives much, much more- Himself.
-Ariel Driz

Have I truly given my life to Jesus?

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving Yourself to me. I surrender my life and my being to You. Amen.

St. Pantaleon, martyr and wonder-worker, pray for us.

Sent by : ChristianYouth

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