31 May 2008

Posted by ShureX Posted on May 31, 2008 | No comments

What if God has Alzheimer’s disease?

June 1 Sunday Reflection

“I never knew you.”
–Matthew 7:23

Readings :
Deuteronomy 11:18,26-28,32
Psalm 31:2-3,3-4,17,25(3b)
Romans 3:21-25,28
Matthew 7:21-27

I have a friend whose father is afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. This cruel, degenerative disease affects nerve cells of the brain. It causes speech disturbance, lessens mental faculties and other symptoms of senility that may manifest in middle age. Thus a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease will not remember his past, and worse, will fail to recognize a loved one no matter how close he has been with her.

Friends, here’s my interpretation of today’s Gospel: I don’t believe God will ever forget who we are- no matter how much we fail Him. (I’m a parent, and I will never forget my child, no matter what my child does. But even if parents forget, says the prophet Isaiah, God will never forget you.)

The language the Gospel today uses is dramatic so let us not take it literally. (Other verses, like the one from Isaiah, conflicts with a literal interpretation of this verse.) Instead, this is what I believe: It is we who forget who God is. When we do not do His will, we are inflicted with spiritual Alzheimer’s. We forget God’s love. We reject Him and run away from Him.
Let us pray for healing from this disease of the soul.
-Bo Sanchez

What will God remember about you?

Lord, forgive my transgressions and remember not my iniquities.

sent by : ChristianYouth


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