14 June 2008

Posted by ShureX Posted on June 14, 2008 | No comments

The Harvest Master

June 15 Sunday Reflection

The Harvest Master

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is abundant, but he laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”
–Matthew 9;37-38

Readings :
  • Exodus 19:2-6a
  • Psalm 100:1-2,3,5(3c)
  • Romans 5:6-11
  • Matthew 9:36-10:8

In my marketing effort to sell real property, I try to recruit as many people as possible to increase the number of prospective clients I can reach. Once I put out an ad for my need for agents and included in the list of requirements “those who want to be blessed by God.”

I was surprised at the number of respondents I got. Most of them called because of economic reasons. The personal and phone interviews inevitably turned into spiritual counseling sessions. I discovered that in many cases, the root cause of their financial poverty could be traced back to their spiritual poverty.

There were occasions where the respondents on the other end of the line would cry out of financial desperation. I would respond by leading them in prayer from the bondage of sin and eventually lead them to spiritual freedom. I realized that my calling was not only to help people earn a living but also to lead them to the Harvest Master.
-Donna España

Do you toil and not reap the bounties of your labor? Call on the Harvest Master to make your work meaningful.

Lord, send me out as a laborer for Your harvest that I may reap abundantly.

sent by : ChristianYouth


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